NewUser is a simple external that lists out your Rules and Regulations, then gives the user an opportunity to accept or reject them. An acceptance will send the New User to a menu where the New User can view special bulletins created by you. A rejection of the rules will result in the New User account being deleted and their session terminated.
Now NewUser enters AFTER the New User stage! This means your Feedback file will go
off as it should. Don't assume it's not working! If you get all the way to the Main Menu
after logging on as NEW, without the [ENTER ANY KEY TO READ THE....] then you know
you have a problem.
NewUser 3.3 includes a menu from which New Users they may access TEXT files
of your choice. The menu is also a TEXT resource, meaning you can customize
the look and prompts of your menu to suit your needs. ANSI rersource for the
external's Main Menu! The external will test for ANSI, if you don't have ANSI mouse or
another ANSI draw program, just make them both identical.
•Setting up NewUser•
This is real simple stuff, although I would have preferred to
to include a SysOp external for configuration. For now, you
need to open up NewUser with ResEdit and configure a few
prompts and paste in your rules. The Str# and TEXT resources
are there ready for you to enter whatever you like. I suggest
you run through NewUser once or twice to get a feel for how it
works, then go in and edit those resources.
Then just drop NewUser in your Externals folder and you're ready
to go!
I accept no responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of it (including loss of wages). Use NewUser at your own risk!
NewUser v3.3 is Freeware. You may distribute it freely, but you may not sell it or modify the external in any way (other than configuration of the resources).
Be sure to drop me a quick note through one of the following places and let me know how it works for you. If you have any problems, questions or suggestions for me, I visit Olympus on a regular basis...
Olympus: Chris Utley #730
AOL: ChrisUtley
Mac's 'R' Us (my BBS in Toledo, Ohio) (419) 535-8722
FidoNet: Chris Utley, 234/32
A real BIG thanks needs to go to Taziar Medakan for releasing the source code to &UserStats! Without his handy code for jumping in wherever I feel like it, this external wouldn't have been possible. (or at least I would have been up many nights banging my head against the wall!) Also! another BIG thanks to Jim Jakoubek for testing the external for me..